‘In the broadest sense, information technology refers to both the hardware and software that are used to store, retrieve, and manipulate information. At the lowest level you have the servers with an operating system. Installed on these servers are things like database and web serving software. The servers are connected to each other and to users via a network infrastructure. And the users accessing these servers have their own hardware, operating system, and software tools.’ (marioalexandrou, 2011)
In simple english information technology is anything that relates to computering technology and related items such as the software and hardware, internet or networking as well as the people who use and work with this technology.
Generally I am comfortable using technology, as I rely on it for part of my work, study, communication and socialization. Personally the more access I have to technology and the more time I spend using it, the more comfortable I feel using it. When given a digital camera, a laptop, cell phone, and even some software like moodle, the online learning system the polytechnic uses or Microsoft word, I feel perfectly comfortable using them and can do so with ease. But it is the technology that I have never had the chance to use that I find hard to use and often frustrating. Video cameras, touch screen phones, some MP3 players and much of the software on computers are just a few of the examples of these. I find the most effective way to learn to use new technology often is to play around with rather than having someone try and teach it to you. So to become competent in using more of these technologies would involve access to the items and time to practice.
The use of information technology in Occupational Therapy,
As new technologies become more and more common in our every days lives, It is also becoming more and more common in the practice of occupational therapy. Housing modifications are one of the areas which OTs work in, and to help them in their applications for funding, drawings and communicating with other staff in their team, often digital camera will be used to take photos where the adaptation of the house is and what it currently looks like. Before and after and often some during photos are kept for documentation. Cell phones are common to most people and most people carry them with them when they are working or away from home or work. This is also common practice for an occupational therapist who works with people in their own homes and in the community. These are a fundamental piece of equipment for both the safety of the OT and are also important in case the OT needs to be urgently contacted for any reason.
Some hospitals and other settings where OTs commonly work have computer systems which have to be used when writing notes from sessions and interviews with clients. Emails is also used within setting to let the entire team know of meeting and reminders, emails can also be sent to some clients to remind them of their appointment. Legally these notes have to be written and many settings have adopted software for the input and storage of this task.
Lastly in some settings, technology will be used as part of the intervention for the client. I have seen internet shopping being used where clients are less mobile but still want to have the freedom or doing the majority of their shopping. WII is another intervention
As you can now see the use of technology is prominent in occupational therapy and in my opinion it will continue to grow as more technologies continue to adapt, grow and become available, therefore for an OT to keep ahead in their practice it is fundamental that they continue to use and review the use of technology in their practice.
Ethical issues in the use of technology,
The internet is considered a great source of pictures and information, however when copying these photos individuals must be aware of the copyright issues around this information. Many of the photos and pictures on the internet are copyright and cannot be reproduced. Also when taking photos and sharing or posting them on the internet, people must respect issues of identity and privacy. If people are not okay of aware of pictures of them or property that identifies them going on the internet, the picture should be adapted so both them and their property is not identifiable. An example of this is car number plates or street address.
The business dictionary (2011) describes social justice as “fair and proper administration of laws conforming to the natural that all persons, irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, possessions , race, religion, etc., are to be treated equally and without prejudice.”
Social justice means that everybody indiscriminate of their, race, age and status should be treated just or fair. When looking at social justice in relation to occupational therapy everyone should be given the choice of have the same services and care no matter who they are.
Ministry of economic development (2010) defines intellectual property (IP) as ‘an umbrella term used for human innovations and creativity that are capable of being protected under national law and international treaties. IP includes a diverse range of commercial assets from patents for new inventions through to copyright protected artworks’
The term intellectual property refers to human intellectual property and creativity that can be protected under a national law. Occupational therapists are able to create equipment for clients and use in practice. This is an example on intellectual property and this could also include human property.
Wise geek stated “Informed consent is a concept in the medical community which supports the idea that patients should be fully informed at all stages of medical treatment and medical trials. There are two aspects to informed consent: a conversation with a care provider or researcher, and a form which must be signed to indicate that the conversation has occurred. Informed consent is a very important part of modern practice and research, and it is designed to protect both patients and doctors.”
Informed consent refers a client giving consent to medical treatment after being fully informed. Clients must give their consent for any medical treatment of rehabilitation to occur. However for the client to give informed consent they must be fully informed of what will happen, why, expected outcome, alternative procedures and possible side effects.
In occupational therapy the client should also be fully informed of the treatment they will receive and have to option not to participate if they wish. The client should be aware of technology and ethical considerations when giving informed consent.
Reference list
Ministry of economic development. (2010). What is informed consent? Retrieved from http://www.nsu.govt.nz/